Здесь основан склад полезностей и официальной документации по nRF52832
Versatile Bluetooth 5.3 SoC supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh and NFC
The nRF52832 is a general-purpose multiprotocol SoC. It meets the challenges of a broad range of applications that need advanced Bluetooth® LE features, protocol concurrency and a rich and varied set of peripherals and features. In addition, it offers generous memory availability for both Flash and RAM. All of this makes it the ideal choice for professional lighting, advanced wearables, and other complex IoT applications.
Содержание статьи / Table Of Contents
↑ Key features
Arm processor
+ 64 MHz Arm® Cortex-M4 with FPU
+ 512/256 KB Flash + 64/32 KB RAM
+ Cache
Bluetooth 5.3 Radio
+ Bluetooth mesh
+ +4 dBm TX power
+ -96 dBm sensitivity (1 Mbps)
Programmable output power +4 dBm to -20 dBm
Flexible and configurable 32 pin GPIO
Automatic smart power management
Full set of digital interfaces with DMA:
+ I²S
128 bit AES/ECB/CCM/AAR accelerator
12-bit 200 ksps ADC
1.7-3.6 V supply voltage range
↑ Applications
+ Smart Home
+ Sensor Networks
+ Building automation
+ Medical
+ Remote control
+ Beacons
+ PC peripherals
+ Toys
+ Wearables
↑ Файлы
🎁nrf52832_product_specification_v1_7.7z 3.42 Mb ⇣ 8🎁nrf52832-product-brief.7z 559.89 Kb ⇣ 8